Business Accelerators

Strategic and Leadership Consultation for Small Businesses to Ready to Accelerate Strategic Clarity, Leadership Culture, Productivity, and Results.

Accelerate Results

Who Should Hire a Leadership Consultant?

The businesses that hire Ryan for Strategic and Leadership Consulting are ready to plan for their next growth phase, are already growing but experiencing growing pains, or are stagnant. Whether a small business ready to grow to the next level or a large corporation needing a boost, the path to greater effectiveness begins with the leader recognizing a need to instill their vision and leadership DNA in the business at a greater level with the resolve to see it through.

How can Business Accelerators Help?

Ryan’s Business Accelerators fall into two buckets: strategy formulation and leadership development. He offers training and workshops in any of the designated topics or one that is customized based on the client’s specific needs.

Strategy Formulation

Leaders have many strategic planning resources at their disposal, yet often, they struggle to see those resources lead to lasting change. The challenge is transforming ideas on a page into tactical behavior. The chief enemy of a good strategy is behavioral muscle memory. Ryan’s strategic planning process helps leaders move beyond the honeymoon phase of a new plan to realize real change that leads to actual results. Ryan’s approach begins with a two-day strategic planning workshop and up to a year of tactical support for the business owner or executive team.

Leadership Development

As businesses grow, so does the need for consistency in the training, development, and evaluation of employees to ensure strong engagement and retention. Leaders and other employees who are not adequately trained and don't get regular feedback become frustrated, disengaged, and unproductive. That costs the business real money. To combat this, Ryan offers a broad range of topics to keep the leaders and other employees working effectively and efficiently. These topics range from a half-day workshop for managers on facilitating critical conversations to implementing a comprehensive training and evaluation program for the entire business.

Whether you need strategic support, leadership development support, or both, the key is finding an installation expert to facilitate the process of downloading the founder's leadership DNA into the business quickly and effectively.

Strategic & Leadership Consulting Solutions

Business Accelerator

A La Carte workshops to provide support in any of the following areas:

  • Strategic Plan Formation
  • Leadership Development
  • Leadership Culture
  • Critical Conversations
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • A custom topic based on your needs
Advanced Business Accelerator

One month of customized support in one of the following areas:

  • Strategic Planning Installation
  • Leadership Development Program Installation
  • Leadership Training
  • Leadership Health Assessment
  • A custom topic based on your needs.
Premium Business Accelerator

Six months of customized support in one of the following areas:

  • Strategic Plan Integration
  • Leadership Development Program Integration
  • Leadership Training Program Implementation
  • A custom topic based on your needs.
Platinum Business Accelerator

12 Months of customized support in one of the following areas:

  • Full-cycle Strategic Plan Implementation and Evaluation
  • Full-cycle Leadership Development Program Implementation and Evaluation
  • A custom topic based on your needs.

I'm interested. Tell me more about how it all works.

The first step is to set up a complimentary discovery session with Ryan to discuss your business's specific needs and if one or more Business Accelerators is right for you.

There are up to four progressive phases to any Business Accelerator:


Design Phase

Content-specific workshops based on the client's needs. The duration is dependent on the topic and the client's needs. They generally range from half a day to two days. Clients can elect to have topics delivered in various ways: speaking engagements, training sessions, or facilitated planning workshops.


Installation Phase

One month of intensive support to assist the client install a plan or program based on a design phase facilitated workshop. The installation process typically consists of an initial two-day facilitated workshop and two additional half-day workshops.


Integration Phase

Six months of ongoing support to assist the client in integrating a plan or program based on a design phase facilitated workshop into business practices. The integration phase typically consists of an initial two-day facilitated workshop and five monthly half-day workshops.


Implementation and Evaluation Phase

Twelve months of ongoing support to assist the client in implementing a plan or program based on a design phase facilitated workshop into business practices. The implementation phase typically consists of an initial two-day facilitated workshop, ten monthly half-day workshops, and a closing full-day workshop for evaluation.


Which of these is right depends on your specific circumstances and needs. Ryan will work with you to design a custom proposal for your consideration.

Request a Free Consultation with Ryan

Take the next step in your leadership journey